Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How much you willing to pay for gas ? Before we drill our own dam oil.?

I was ready a few dollars ago. The Democrats have not intention of leting us drill oil. The would like to see $6 gas. They want you to quit driving your car and save the earth and destroy our industrial capitalist economy.How much you willing to pay for gas ? Before we drill our own dam oil.?
We do drill our own oil. Lots of it. But the price of gasoline will NEVER go back down to $2/gal. Never. No matter how many wells you sink, we will never again be able to pump oil faster than the demand increases. The most we could do is slow down the rate of price increase. We will not be able to stop or reverse it.

The only solution is to develop alternative energy sources. More oil will be nothing but a leaky bandage.How much you willing to pay for gas ? Before we drill our own dam oil.?
Electric cars and trucks are coming and when they do I will never buy gas again, I am already switching everything to electric so I have to just run one gas engine, my generator and hopefully it can be switched to ethanol before long. Also solar is in my plans and wind power too, I just hate the idea of my money going to the middle east and burning that dirty ole oil.
How about we stop paying now. And besides people get real. Alternative fuels, come-on. If that was really the issue we should have started on alternate sources 20 years ago. Although the plausable answer is alternative fuels then why the rush now and why are the Hybrid Vehiles so Damn expensive that we cant even afford them.
$10. At that price we can invest in longer term, more secure and environmentally friendly energy. At the current price it is already cost effective. We won't need to drill for a non renewable resource!

We have quite a few choices....]nuclear, solar, wind, hydro, thermal, etc!
I am about there. We could lower the price of gas if we drilled off our coast and ANWAR and if we started to really develop alternative energy sources.
We need alternative fueled vehicles, not more oil.

Oil is the past. The sooner the US gets off of oil, the better.
I guess I will have to pay whatever they ask for it. I don't know where to drill or I already would have. :)
3.75 then I am breaking out the bike, permanently!

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