Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Price gouging of Oil is being done by the Oil companies, so it will let them Drill for Oil in Alaska?

Someone is driving up the price on purpose and its not lack of supplyPrice gouging of Oil is being done by the Oil companies, so it will let them Drill for Oil in Alaska?
We have been drilling and pumping oil up here in Alaska since 1977. The wildlife is just fine with the pipeline. We don't have enough to satisfy the needs and wants of the USA.Price gouging of Oil is being done by the Oil companies, so it will let them Drill for Oil in Alaska?
If you can explain to me how we're price gouging I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts. But based on the fact that you asked the question this way, it's clear that you have zero understanding of how gasoline pricing works and probably aren't that interested in learning that real truth.
The whole reason we arnt drilling their they say is for the wildlife and stuff, but i used to think it was because we are waiting for everyone to run out of oil then we sell it but by then everyone will have solar or what not i mean its a while before we run out of all of it so yea

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