Wednesday, August 18, 2010

When an oil company wants to drill on my land in Texas what would my rights be?

We do not own minaral rightsWhen an oil company wants to drill on my land in Texas what would my rights be?
Just step aside, the state, county will give them what ever they want. You don't matter.When an oil company wants to drill on my land in Texas what would my rights be?
To be blunt, bend over, here it comes. Sorry to say that, but so many are getting screwed like that. We just (finally) passed a law here in Arkansas that the holder of mineral rights has 5 years to use em or lose em.
If you're asking this queston, chances are it may be too late for you. Although you own your land, many people forget to buy the mineral, metal, or natural resources rights to their land. If an oil company (or anyone else for that matter) buys those rights, they don't have to own the land to have a legal right to be on your land. By Texas law, if you don't buy those rights with your land, you only own the topsoil, and anyone else who buys those other rights have every legal right to extract their bought property even if it causes you financial harm. One example of this occurred in Wyoming in the late 1980's when an oil company bought the rights to drill on pasture lands owned by a private citizen rancher. The company went in without his permission and really tore up his property, and the rancher could do nothing legally to stop them because the oil company had bought a legal right to drill for natural resources on his land. He had failed to buy and procure any of his natural resource rights because he assumed that he owned them with the land. His assumption cost him dearly. I'd suggest that you get down to the courthouse tomorrow morning and talk with anyone who will help you with the matter. If you find that there is an open claim to your rights, ACQUIRE A LAWYER and file for them. If you already have one, get him in high gear before the oil company lawyers do.

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