to see one drop of gas at the pumps from new domestic
sources. Upon reflection of this, the realization came upon
me that it took less time time to commit to and realize landing
men on the Moon!!!
Are the enviros just really blowing smoke up our collective
rear ends yet again?!?!?
...CHG...Why would it take more time to drill for domestic oil then it took us to land on the Moon?
You just hit this one out of the park!Why would it take more time to drill for domestic oil then it took us to land on the Moon?
They were all saying that in the 70's when we had the oil embargo and gas was rationed...when you could get it.
Here it is ';30+'; years later, imagine if we had the sense to prepare for the future....
You can now really see what idiots politicians and environmentalists are, and the oil companies are no better
Back then regular was 94 octane, now ';premium'; is 92...
Diesel was always considerably cheaper that gas and takes less to produce, now in many places it's 80+ cents higher than gas.....
They have the leases on millions of acres of land to drill on, but why drill and use our oil when you can use theirs and make ';record'; profits every quarter
According to the government's own figures, that oil will reduce the price of gas by only a few cents. That's because it will be sold on the world market.
We have 3% of the world's oil, 4% of the world's population, and are responsible for 25% of its consumption. Anyone who tells you we can drill our way out of this crisis is lying to you.
What we should have done -- everybody knew it -- is what they did in Europe and Japan -- tax gas and raise fuel economy standards. As a result, European and Japanese cars get on average twice the mileage of cars here. But Detroit wouldn't hear about raising fuel standards, and when former president Bush tried to increase the gas tax his proposal was blocked by conservative Republicans. Newt Gringrich then passed a law that made it impossible for Congress to raise economy standards.
If conservative Republicans, with the help of Democrats in energy producing states, hadn't blocked those measures, this whole problem never would have occurred. Now, it's going to take years to fix and we're all going to pay the price.
One things for certain: the fix will have little to do with domestic drilling -- there isn't enough oil here for that, and even if there were, the people of Florida and New Jersey and California are never going to allow drilling off their coasts because they've seen what oil company promises have done to their beaches. The best that can do is improve the balance of trade a bit. It will come about through more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels such as hydrogen and batteries.
The actual time it would take to set up and drill for oil would be within a week or less. What takes the time are endless court battles and legal wrangling to get it done, not to mention greasing of palms and favors for favors-- adding to the costs of what is and should be a very simple operation.
Yeah they're blowing smoke. It won't be instant maybe a a year or two at most before the infrastructure is complete. IF and that's a big if the oil companies are actually on board with it. They might not be they're making money hand over fist right now why would they want to lower the cost of oil? They probably want to maintain the status quo with prices going up.
Of course we could do it more quickly than what their talking points say. I am surprised though every time they make that lame argument , they are actually admitting that they are shortsighted, we will need oil in ten years also. Dont forget if Clinton had not vetoed the ANWAR drilling bill we would be getting that oil on the market now, he used the same excuse. Incredible.
It does not take more than a few months to commence the drilling process. It will be less than two years before oil begins to flow. I am a old guy from New Jersey. I saw oil refineries being built decades ago, such as the huge Hess refinery in Woodbridge. A new oil refinery from ground breaking to production is less than a year. Don't believe the BS environmental (emphasis on the mental) people are espousing. They are lying. It is what they do.
It wouldn't. The wells were drilled here in 70's and capped. Uncap and pump. The reports are two hundred years supply for America. Select any article from this search page link.鈥?/a>
The oil companies have reported the biggest time constraint is the amount of time that Congress takes in issuing permits. On average 25 years.
There was never any price on the race to the moon. Kennedy asked and we delivered. That's the beauty of knowledge for knowledge sake.
However, when market forces are involved it's a bit more complicated. Space isn't a commodity, but petrol certainly is.
I think its refineries, we need more, Big oil is keeping the price HIGH we need more refineries, There is no shortage
Because we don't have to beat the Soviets to it.
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